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How to apply on the platform
Updated over a week ago

What does it mean to apply?

Applying means presenting your interest to the renter. By applying, you push your profile to the renter, show him that you are interested in his accommodation and give him more information about your file and your desired arrival date.

This is the step before the pre-booking. Once you have applied, you can send a pre-booking request directly after submitting your application, and also from your requests in your mailbox. Know more about the pre-booking request >

Applying does not commit you. You can apply on several different ads, and you don't have to pay anything at this stage.

How does it work?

Once you have completed your application, you can start your search. You can click on "Apply" to be put in contact with the renter and show him that you are interested.

Applying does not commit you to anything: it only allows the renter to receive messages from interested people. If you need more information before applying, you can also send a request for information to the lessor.

By applying, you give the landlord some details: if you are going to live alone, the date you want to move in and a presentation of yourself if you want (who you are, what you do for a living...). Our tips to make you stand out here

> Did you know that?

A complete application is on average 3 times more likely to be answered. Complete your application 100% before applying to give yourself the best chance!

Once your application has been sent, you can continue to apply directly for other apartments with the information recorded in your first application by clicking on the "+".

This accommodation caught your eye? Stand out from the crowd by sending a booking proposal to the owner. It works every time 😎 Psst... You'll be charged only if the owner accepts your request. The pre-booking request allows you to show your motivation to the lessor by filling your bank details. Find out more about pre-booking >

🤙 Tip: we advise you to multiply your requests to increase your chances of finding your home quickly. Our tenants make an average of 7 requests before they find the perfect home.

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