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How to use the search filters?
Updated over a week ago

When you log on to the site, you will come to a search bar that allows you to filter the ads available in the different cities of France. The first action is to enter the city in which you wish to move. The second action is to refine the search through different filters:

Entry Date:

Here you can indicate the date you would like to move in order to obtain accommodations whose availability date corresponds to your calendar.


If you want to rent for a specific period (example: 6 months internship) you can indicate a maximum duration with this filter.


You can play with the search results by indicating a minimum and/or maximum budget. This also allows you to compare properties in the same city!

Type of accommodation:

If you have any preferences in terms of type of accommodation (living alone, sharing a flat, living in a student residence...) this is the place to mention it.

You can further refine your search with the additional filters…

  • Minimum or maximum area required

  • Number of rooms

  • Furnished / unfurnished

  • Eligible to APL

  • Reservation without visit accepted


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